Because the Cisco 642-504 exam has changed recently, Flydumps presents the new version of the Cisco 642-504 practice test, which helps candidates to pass the Cisco 642-504 exam easily.The exam dumps cover all aspects of the Cisco 642-504 exam. You can visit our website to free Cisco 642-504 and download the New Version VCE Player.
The NHRP process allows which requirement to be satisfied in DMVPN?
A. dynamic physical interface IP address at the spoke routers
B. dynamic spoke-to-spoke on-demand tunnels
C. dynamic routing over the DMVPN
D. dual DMVPN hub designs
Correct Answer: A Section: (none) Explanation
The security administrator for Company InC. is working on defending the network against SYN flooding attacks. Which of the following are tools to protect the network from TCP SYN attacks?