Adobe 9A0-702 Cert, Buy Adobe 9A0-702 Testing Is What You Need To Take

Looking for Adobe 9A0-702 Certification Exam materials? Do you have unsolved questions? With so many online resources offering Adobe 9A0-702 test questions, it can be difficult to select the Adobe 9A0-702 Exam practice test that is best for you. With every purchase of our Adobe 9A0-061 exam sample questions, you will receive the Adobe 9A0-702 questions and answers. Flydumps is right here to help you do that. Flydumps provides you best quality Adobe 9A0-702 exam sample questions, Adobe 9A0-702 practice test, Adobe 9A0-702 tutorials and other related information to help you pass the Adobe 9A0-702 and be a Adobe Certified Specialist.

What syntax will NOT create a new structure using <cfscript>? (Choose TWO)
A. stStruct = StructNew();
B. stStruct[“key”] = “4”;
C. stStruct.key = “2”;
D. StructUpdate(stStruct, “key”, “5”);
E. StructInsert(stStruct, “key”, “3”);
Correct Answer: DE QUESTION 112
What is NOT a means for invoking a web service?

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